Monday 14 May 2018

This is Goodbye

Was it my fate to be forever cast in the role of the student prince who loves the girl he's near when he's not near the girl he loves?
I blew smoke rings and watched them drift towards the ceiling in slow motion.
Skipping through ethereal hoops I imagined being hand in hand with you.
But then I snapped out of this fantasy I was living.
I realised it couldn't happen
Not because we weren't made to be 
But because we were from different echelons.
I wasn't enough for you
So you left me with a broken heart.
Now someone else has to bare the effects of this.
I can't seem to get any relief 
Nobody can tell me why either.
Fighting demons I never knew existed,
As I pen this down 
I keep wondering when they'll come for me.
This paranoia is leading to plans I could never imagine.
I'm struggling,
Struggling to find peace.
I'm just paying the price for believing in the wrong people.
I'm just glad I'm not waking up to flashing lights.


Sunday 7 January 2018

Everyone Needs To Adjust

It was me and you against the world 
We had everything sorted out 
We were what people wanted to be 
Years down the line we seem to have drifted apart 
But the memories still remain 
All I wanted to say was stay 
Stay with me till the end of time 
Cos you completed me
You were my flashlight 
Our first kiss was magical 
Our last was painful 
But the memories still remain 
What would my life had been without you in it?
Would it have been good? Or bad?
Sad? Or happy?
But that doesn't matter now
We are who we are because of our choices 
I always wanted to be the reason behind your smile 
I'm glad I was for a while 
I hope this makes you smile even if it's for a brief moment.
Because when tomorrow comes I'd be on my own.


Tuesday 28 November 2017


Lonely is the only friend I know 
As I sit and wash the tears away 
I can't hush up even for one night 
The time has come where I can't hold on anymore 
Where has mama gone?
In a time like this 
I remember the power of prayer 
Always and forever I told myself 
I'm not homeless neither am I running from people 
But when the day comes 
I want to be in your arms 
Singing my melody 
I want you to give me a chance to colour your book 
Because when the sun comes up 
I would have new rules.

Lonely is the only friend I know 
Days with bacchanals, nights with dark.
I’m high and low, how often I don’t know 
I can’t even get past the swirling darkness in my brain 
My soul is fighting a war for inner peace 
So everyday I soak my soul in vodka and my body in wine 
It’s the only company I can think of 
A dainty flower 
Meant to wither 
I am just a soul of a lonely heart 
In search of my wonderland 
So I can find serenity again 
Because when the sun comes up 
I would have new rules.

C.N.O.O & Tugasthoughts 🦋

Saturday 28 October 2017

No Away

We were the best thing that could ever happen to each other 
It was us against the world
We weren't bothered about what was happening around us 
Through the thick and thin we were together 
It was like we were inseparable 
You were the Bonnie to my Clyde 
The Juliet to my Romeo 
We were a team 
Our love was above and beyond 
The lovers lane couldn't contain our love
Despite several problems we still stood strong 
You were my best friend my everything 
As I sit to reminisce about what we had 
I feel like I lost something good 
But then sometimes I think it was for the best 
They say nothing lasts forever 
I thought I had forgotten about you 
I always needed a reason to not see you cos it just brought back memories.
So I always needed a reason to argue or just avoid you.
I can't say I love you anymore because you now belong to someone else.
It pains me to see it but I can't help it.
But everything happens for a reason.
If you're reading this just know that I love you.

Written by C.N.O.O

Sunday 23 April 2017

Mary A. Baker

Master, the tempest is raging!
The billows are tossing high!
The sky is over shadowed with blackness,
No shelter or help is nigh
Do you not care that we perish?
How can you lie asleep?
When each passing moment so madly is threatening?
A grave in the angry deep?

"The winds and the waves shall obey my will, peace be still!
Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea,
Or demons, or men, or whatever it be,
No water can swallow the ship where lies
The Master of ocean, and earth, and skies;
They shall sweetly obey my will."

Master, with anguish of spirit
I bow in my grief today;
The depths of my sad heart are troubled,
O waken and save me, I pray
Torrents of sin and of anguish
Sweep over my sinking soul!
And I perish! I perish! Dear Master;
O hasten and take control!

Master, the terror is over,
The elements sweetly rest;
Earth's sun in the calm lake is mirrored,
And heaven's within my breast.
Linger, or blessèd Reedemer,
Leave me alone no more;
And with joy I shall make the blest harbour,
And rest on the blissful shore.

Written by CNOO

Sunday 8 January 2017

The Script

We cry over the man that can't be moved
Even when we break even before the worst our rusty halo still falls to pieces
The end where I begin is where I talk you down
My kaleidoscope always leads me to you
I fall for anything just because I'm yours.. No words to describe the broken arrow through me
The good ol' days are now far behind us.. If you could see me now...glowing in the hall of fame
Never seen anything quite like you
For the first time I feel alive
I feel like I'm surrounded by an army of angels
They give me energy that never dies
Hail rain or sunshine they're by my side with songs
Without those songs I'd be like a man on a wire.
Shooting flares up into the dark sky.

Written by CNOO

Tuesday 26 July 2016

No Correlation

You have to wonder.. Does growing up gifted make you superior to someone who isn't?
Are we so concerned about our Body that we forget our souls?
We had Black Heroes but now we're Breaking Necks over them
These days we're either Drunk and Conceited
Or spending a Day by the Pool
Is this the Curse of the Gifted?
Or we want to live like it's 88 all over again? Where Girls were on drugs and we had Gangsta Boogies?
Is this how we want our generation to be remembered?
We want The Success but are Tired of Dreaming
Is it Vanity?
The Pyramids are still up
Has anyone wondered why?
A Simple Man is seen as cliché
There's no Rotation in life
We're all just Publishing Checks
We don't bother about the Golden Salvation
We rather worry about the Paparazzi
Are we that Gullible?
Is it always about the Summer League?
Ms Moon get some sleep and let the sun rise
I need the Sunshine for a few hours
Lemme put on my White Shoes carry my Glass Egg around for a while and show off the God smile
Everything else is on a Need To Know.

Written by Clive Okai