Monday 14 May 2018

This is Goodbye

Was it my fate to be forever cast in the role of the student prince who loves the girl he's near when he's not near the girl he loves?
I blew smoke rings and watched them drift towards the ceiling in slow motion.
Skipping through ethereal hoops I imagined being hand in hand with you.
But then I snapped out of this fantasy I was living.
I realised it couldn't happen
Not because we weren't made to be 
But because we were from different echelons.
I wasn't enough for you
So you left me with a broken heart.
Now someone else has to bare the effects of this.
I can't seem to get any relief 
Nobody can tell me why either.
Fighting demons I never knew existed,
As I pen this down 
I keep wondering when they'll come for me.
This paranoia is leading to plans I could never imagine.
I'm struggling,
Struggling to find peace.
I'm just paying the price for believing in the wrong people.
I'm just glad I'm not waking up to flashing lights.


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